进口缝包机 , 热封机 , 防爆缝包机 , 手提式缝包机 , 电子气缸马达配件

由fischbein工艺,慈禧型号100-2?机头设有两针,创造一个安全,筛选耐,两个平行的针封闭。100-2型的关闭所有类型的开放式口袋,包括多壁纸,机织物和层压聚丙烯编织袋和黄麻在Zui苛刻的工作环境。fischbein加压,自我润滑系统保护运动部件,确保Zui高的生产率,维护成本低。皇后100-2 缝纫机头回转类零件的精密调节运行速度从每分钟35到50英尺,允许用很少的振动。100-2创建两个的,平行的缝线用两个线程,双锁定针-每英寸2.25至3.25可调,出厂设置为2.5针。fischbein的型号100-2两针头的特点是对我们的成本效益入门级型号400 pro2的?和重型400ns2?平缝机系统。100-2标准的选择选项,包括电源进刀,断线检测器,油传感器,包编码器和光电控制系统集成。食品级润滑剂也可。对于Zui大的性能,请使用fischbein 工业缝纫线和真正的fischbein部分。?系统组成?普通缝制关闭?2针格式?主题推刀?标准2.5针/英寸?类型401 2线缝35至50英尺每分钟


the already reshaped bag is introduced into the sewing head by hand. the sewing process starts when the feeler switch is activated. at the end, the pneumatic chain pusher pushes the thread chain into the knives to cut it.

the system must hold four thread cones and must have routing for all four threads to the twin needle head: two threads for the needles, two for the loopers.

to have a smooth operation of the system, a conveyor is required. the conveyor can be controlled with the footswitch.


twin needle sewing head with shear type knife manual height adjustable column: up to 500mm (ref. 4000) adjustable overarm (ref. 4100) pneumatic chain pusher (ref. 1725 bt) stitch length: standard: 9mm – adjustable between 8 and 11mm noise level: 77db.